

Previous Events

At the end of January 2024, Agrarika held its annual technical meeting in KINGS VALLEY Medical and SPA Kazanlak. More than 200 farmers from Southeast Bulgaria attended. Our partners from Bayer, Limagrain, Ecofol, BASF, Sumi Agro, Syngenta and SNH presented their proposals and solutions for the 2024 season.
Open day in the demo fields of Agrarica. The event presented durum wheat varieties from Italy and Bulgaria. Plant protection brought our partners out of Belchim. For foliar feeding, we trusted Ecofol. The event was attended by 100 farmers from the Southeastern region of Bulgaria.
Organized excursion for clients and partners of Agrarica to the capital of Spain- Madrid.
At the beginning of 2015, Agrarika organized a charter flight to the United Arab Emirates. The event was attended by 160 farmers from Southern Bulgaria.
Agrarika with farmers from Southeast Bulgaria in the capital of Germany- Berlin.
On the territory of the central warehouse and agro-center of Agrarica in partnership with BASF, the systemic and mobile fungicide for the treatment of cereal seeds against soil and foliar diseases - Sistiva was presented.
Demonstration field in the territory of Nova Zagora. Plant protection derived from Agrarica agronomists using products of Sumi Agro and Ecofol.
Agrarica demo field with durum wheat varieties from Axereal, France and plant protection technology from BASF. Guests of the event- 70 farmers from the Yambol region.
Organized trip to Hong Kong and Macau with Agrarica customers and partners.
ReACh out

Through innovation and established practices, we strive to continue to be a trusted and preferred partner.

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