

The commercial list of Agrarika includes seed hybrids of the main technical crops such as а листа на Аграрика включва хибриди семена на основните технически култури като слънчоглед, рапица и царевица.
Основните партньори са мултинационалните семенарски компании като Pioneer, Syngenta, Decalb, Limagrain, KWS, Rapool и Lidea.


The company supplies grain growers with varietal seeds- wheat, barley, sorghum and triticale.They are adapted to the climate and conditions in Bulgaria to achieve maximum yields and quality results. We offer our own production of first and second seed propagation from a variety of varieties of wheat and barley.
Предлагаме собствено производство на първо и второ размножение семена от разнообразни сортове пшеница и ечемик. В агроцентровете и агроаптеките се предлага пълна гама от семена за vegetables and fruits.

Groups of Fertilizers we provide

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Nitrogen Fertilizers

- Ammonium nitrate (AN)
- Ammonium sulphate nitrate (AS)
- Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN)
- Urea
- Urea ammonium nitrate (UAN)



- Monoammonium phosphate (MAP)
- Diammonium phosphate (DAP)
- Triple superphosphate (TSP)



An important step to achieve high-quality crop production is the prevention of the destructive behavior of the insects. The correct choice and use of insecticides plays a key role in the protection of the fields. A part of Agrarika's portfolio are some of the most efficient and modern chemicals for insect control.



Last but not least, Agrarika offers growth regulators, which help the proper development of the crops. As their name states, they control the growth of the plants and the strength of the crops. Thanks to them, the plants manage to overcome stressful conditions of any type.

Contact us

Through innovation and established practices, we strive to continue to be a trusted and preferred partner.

Let's work